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That visit to Sri Raj Rajeshwari Temple in Konnagar from Howrah–A short road trip

Though this is not my first visit to Maa Sri Raj Rajeshwari Tripur Sundari Temple in Konnagar which falls under Konnagar Municpality in Hooghly district, adjacent to Howrah district, West Bengal.
I can remember that last time I visited this temple with friends and that was a short road trip on motorcycle.

But, this time this road trip was altogether a family affair. A car was booked and we reached there at 5 pm.

Inside Temple premises verandah at Raja Rajeshwari Mandir Konnagar Howrah West Bengal
This is what you see after entering the temple premises of Sri Raj Rajeshwari Tripur Sundari Temple in Konnagar. Lord Shiva, Sri Vishnu , Maa Lakshmi with Lord Bramha  and rishi, maharishi along with gau mata, cow goddess is seen in this image above. Taken on Nokia 7210 S.

Ganges ghat at Mahadev Mandir nearby Raja Rajeshwari Temple, Konnagar, West Bengal
Ganges Ghat at Konnagar

  After puja in the temple, crossed the G.T. Road and sat on the ghats of  the River Ganges just in-front of the "(7) Saat Mahadev Mandir".  It was an awesome idea to spare time sitting on the ghat, eating 'Alu Kabli,Chaat followed by masala cold drink while watching the sun setting and the sun light becoming dim. It felt like the voltage of the Sun is reducing slowly and gradually by itself.
                   As a consequence, the birds are returning back to their nests for which the sound of their chirping coming out from trees increases rapidly. The baby crabs were also able to find their place among the hollows between the bricks of the ghat. Teenagers, Married couples, parents with their children and older peoples are coming on the ghat to enjoy this mesmerizing scenario of sunset.

Baby Crabs on river ganga shores howrah side
Baby Crabs getting back to their hollow homes

I felt a bit jealous with the residents as they are lucky to have their home nearby to the temple and the ghat. They can spend their leisure time either coming to the ghat or sitting silently among the divine silence of the temple for hours and hours whenever they want.

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