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If I had two extra hours in a day,I would......

Picture courtesy-Internet
Now a days,every person's life is so busy and so hectic that we do not get time for other things.Even we do not get much time to complete our pending works on the same day or other day.In this way,the pending works get clotted and becomes a huge mountain to climb upon
        I was thinking that in these busy hours of work or study,if I get two more extra hours in a day,
what will I do?
        Whether I will spend them in completing my pending works of getting a new Ration Card,as we have from shifted from the rented house to our own home on the other side of the town,or will I go to meet some of my friends and relatives with whom I never find time to meet,though they are in the same town.
       I have got other options also to spend my time,like meeting and having fun with my old classmates hovering around Kolkata or visiting my old area & meeting those peoples who were with us in that rented colony since the time I opened my eyes as a new born baby,almost 22 years ago.
       They have become a part of our family,sharing happy and sad phases of life with my family and vice-versa.I do think that meeting those peoples whom you often don't meet now,will be a better option to show your true love and care to them.
        But,finally,I got my reason to spend two extra hours which is not from any of these above mentioned options.
        Frankly speaking,If I get two extra hours in a day,I would like to spend them with my parents,my Maa and Papa.Whether it is talking to them,listening to those old stories that they used to narrate at night to make me sleep.Or asking them about their life style back in 70's or 80's before my birth.Trying to guess the pains that a mother and father used to take for his child.
        Although,It is also a fact that we are in the same house but due to lack of time our conversations are too short,much about the work and my studies.
       They are getting older day by day and I am getting occupied day by day.I do not want to get aloof and isolated from them,mentally.Since,I am the only child of my parents,if I will not think about them then who will?
       I will give my extra two hours to my parents,my God.
            What about You????


ghosh said…
you are true but its not always done sometimes within the all of our busy schedule we try to do our pending works like update passbook 4m bank or go to class for extra study or in a off day meet with old friends and of course what u said that spend sometime with mom & dad so that they can feel that their son have responsibility for them but sorry to say its not possible to do this all the time,,because 6 days in a week we after came back from office we are very tired so we cant speak with parents either we busy with girlfriends or with office work if we spend two hours extra for my personal life okay leave it only 30 minutes if we spend with parents belive me you will be the most happy person of the world,,
@Ghosh,As you said that if we spend 30 minutes with our parents,that will also make us & them happy.Then why not try to take out some more time from your busy schedule and being busy with girlfriend and give some extra time to them,not for showing our responsibility towards them but to share our love,warmth & to care.As well as,making them realize that when you wanted them for holding their fingers to learn walking.This time you are with them and will be always like this,when they want you to company them,in their old-age.
Anonymous said…
very nice thought..they definitely deserve to be treated well..
Thanks Zaira,for appreciating my thoughts.
pramod said…
spending the extra time with your mom and dad is the happiest and worthiest way to spend them. excellent thoughts.
very well penned.
Thank You Pramod Jee..
A very noble thought and classically crafted. Mom and Dad are the universe. Lord Ganesha has shown it to us :) Best of Luck. Do check out my post too. Aye Zindagi!
@Ranting Indian-Thank you Buddy
@Bindu Juneja-Thanks a lot Bindu Ji

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