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Listening to Online Radio on Mobile costed me more!

This is a real incident which happened during the last fall of 2010. Those days, I was a mixture of Bollywood Song lover and an Internet enthusiast. I was using Nokia E52 symbian 60 handset and the only medium to listen to latest hit songs on mobile, that I used excessively was an application for streaming Online Radio.
                   Being a spoiled brat, I used to recharge my mobile with high denominations.
I was using this Prepaid connection since 2004 but sometimes my prepaid balance seemed to be like a postpaid bill payment. In the early days of buying my 1st mobile phone, the highest that I used to recharge was Rs.3,300/- for 1 year. But, I sensibly used these Prepaid balances. And this time too, to avail full-talktime offer I recharged my number with Rs.2,800. I don't know whether this habit of mine is like a scrooge or well planned user that mostly I have taken more than 13 months to utilize these balances.
                   Since, I am highly connected with internet and its services and keep exploring new stuffs there, I used to recharge with some Rs.98 per month for 2GB access of internet on mobile. Sometimes I used to utilise the 2GB data plan in 30 days and sometimes not. But, whenever my mobile carrier seizes the leftover GPRS data after completion of 30 days, it feels me with sadness that last month I din't surf the web and left the Internet Pack underutilized.
                    Filled with thoughts of using the whole 2GB data in next 30 days, I again recharged my mobile with Internet Pack. Surfed the web on mobile and did loads of stuffs like Chatting on Facebook, streaming videos from Youtube, Downloading new MP3 songs and  latest Bollywood videos, Syncing contacts and photos, Searching through online radio channels and much more during this month.
                   On the verge of 28th day, I only had 200MB of GPRS data left. I was happy go lucky as I was successful in utilizing the fun of Internet the way I planned to do this month. The day ended, I was exhausted and tired. My mobile was beeping for 'Battery Low'. The cool breeze blowing across the window forced me to start yawning. As the sleep was engulfing me, I thought to play some Ghazal on my mobile. But suddenly mind changed to listen to latest hits through Online Radio.
Screenshot showing online radio on symbian smartphone

                   Then, I realised that GPRS balance is not enough to use this service as afterwards the Internet Package, the data charges will be deducted from my main balance. But, since the mobile was beeping for battery low, it gave me some courage to start Online Radio as the battery will empty up itself in next few minutes. Being trapped in between these thoughts of this fact that GPRS consumes more battery and 200MBs will be enough to stream music till the battery dies. I started streaming online radio channels on that application.
                    I could not remember when did I slept that night. But, I clearly remember that I woke up that morning with a fresh and energetic mind as the weather outside was pleasant. As usual, I woke up and picked up my mobile to check out the time. It was still playing song and the 'Battery low' message was beeping more often. I was shell shocked and instantly unlocked my phone to check out something unusual which I breathed in with that last breathe.
                    Yes, there was a balance deduction message which says
                         "Last call/sms charge 201.23 INR. Current Balance 1403.59 INR."
                     With a sigh of relief that no excess deduction happened apart from that 200 MB GPRS balance, I exited that message. Within a second, I came across another message which mistakeably I read with sleepy eyes was
                         "Last call/sms charge 0.01 INR. Current Balance 1403.59 INR."
                     Again a sigh of relief for me.Now, the tension is relieved and I got time to think that what the heck is the battery of this handset. A mere 1500 MAh battery din't die and keeps playing Online Radio since last 7 hours. Patting my shoulders for the descision of buying this handset for it's great battery life & functions, I thought to call on those missed calls which I got while I was sleeping deeply last night.
                   Selected that number from call-log and dialled up while bringing the handset near my ears. The call got connected and the IVR replied- "Your balance is low, Kindly recharge your number". I thought that last night the weather was tremendous for sleepoholics like me, may be this network was also affected by the weather. So, I again dialled up that number, but the same IVR response. Instantly, I called up to check my last balance deduction's USSD code and this time the message was
                            "Last call/sms charge 1403.58 INR. Current Balance 0.01 INR."
                 Shell shocked and totally awake out of that sleepy-sleepy matter in that pleasant weather, the first thing that I said to myself was - "F***....sara paisa 1 paisa kyu chor bhi le lete, iska kya achaar dalunga" (All money gone, why did the network left 1 paise, what will I do with it).
                  I knew it was my mistake for forcefully listening to Online radio assuming that the mobile will switch off in next few minutes. Thus there was no need to get a case lodged with customer care and ask for a refund or so. As a consequence, I sat back for the next one hour on bed quietly, mourning for the loss of Rs. 1,400 INR for Listening to Radio on Mobile.

Image Courtesy-

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