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How mobile internet made my love life a happier one

Whether you met your lover (Girlfriend or Boyfriend) face to face or on internet for the first time. Whether your Love life is real life stage or a virtual one, one common thing that you have to do in both these cases is to take care of the needs of your lover. But, if by chance you miss any such opportunity or so called demand of your girlfriend, you are in a mess. No matter how much you love her, how much you do care for her, the only thing that would matter at that time would be that why did not you take care of what she expected. Well, these are the ups and down of love life. You fight when there is not a valid reason to fight. These small fights and nokjhoks can lead to dangerous situations leading to mental frustration and loss of creativity.
Managing life is easy but managing Girlfriend is just the opposite. Similarly, understanding life is easy but understanding wife is not that easy.

She has requests to be fulfilled, she has demands too. She wants to keep more and more contacts with you. And if you don't take care of these small things, then she proves back to you that you no longer love her. Yes, this is the common quality every Girlfriend posses. Girlfriends now a days are modern, advanced,more stubborn and yes more caring too. Then why won't one care for her.
                              I do whatever is required from my side to make this relationship a happier one. And, this small little computer has saved me several times from getting into a fuss with my lover. There was a time when I started getting aloof and isolated from my lover due to my pending work pressure and other stuffs.
                  Thanks to technology that I have got a smartphone, which is a dumb box filled with smart service of internet in it.
Now, whenever I get time I just go to Facebook and like her status updates and comment on some buttering words. It just makes her feels that I am Socially Networked with her giving her a more sense of faith. She is not used to with Twitter but she sometimes checks in to check out my last Tweets, just in case if I am not doing any mischief.
                            She just loves keeping track of me and my behavior, whenever I check in to a place on my Foursquare app she instantly would reply me asking- "Waha kya kar rahe ho?" (What am I doing there?). Girlfriends are a bit extra caring you know!
                           Since, meeting with her is not possible each day, so Facebook Chat helps me out as a "Kabootar" for exchanging words and thoughts with her like it used to happen in Mughal Period. . I just love getting connected with her whenever possible. But, if she finds out that I am replying her a bit late and answering another friend of mine on Facebook Chat or messenger, then I am of nowhere. I have to again Patau-out her. Convincing angry girlfriend is not easy but gifting her a bunch of flowers with Sorry card and chocolates cake is easy. I just have to hover into the website of that service provider from my mobile, place and order and get it directly delivered to her house.
                             I just love when she video calls me on my mobile and says "Tum pagal ho!" that too after receiving the gifts and flaunting the cake on video call. Though I know, I can't get a piece of that cake, but I am in peace because of that cake only.
                           The awkward moment arises when she demands suddenly to go for a movie or so. I instantly check availability of tickets online and book that corner seat for us using INOX app.

    Love is not about loving your lover, you have to love her friends too...
                         You have to check for some notes for their project from Wikipedia, or Google. Order pizza while having combined class with her at home. Or plan out a dinner at a new Restaurant on the other part of the town. I just need my mobile phone and internet ready to take on any challenges like finding a particular Restraunt, Shopping mall or hang-out places in Kolkata.
Whether it is checking PNR status if she is going with her parents to her village or Playing her requested song on Saavn app for android pretending to be the DJ. Downloading "Love or Heart" wallpapers and send her through bluetooth to make her blush. Playing comedy scenes from her favourite movie(mine too) on mobile, for sharing fun and laughter with her and ease off the pressure of studies.
Couple romancing resting on grass land- animation image

                             She prefers to walk down the lane when she is with me and we walk around here and there in several parts of Kolkata without knowing where are we heading, as Google Maps is there with us to get us to the right direction. Visiting Zoo & National Library along with other places and then too spending the days and hours just talking for free using mobile internet via Viber App on our phone. This communication will  not stop and neither will the use of mobile internet.
Always remember the mantra for successful love life is either a "Good Communication" or a "Dumb Girlfriend". Smile with tongue out

P.S.- Image Courtesy-

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