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Helpful Websites for Commerce Students and Professionals like Company Secretary, Cost Accountant and Chartered Accountants

Apart from printed books,we students need to go through the latest happenings and new amendments in our study field. Here,I am going to present a list of Important and Helpful websites for Students and Professionals for the field of Company Secretary, Chartered Accountant and Cost Accountants of India.  I am sure,you know about most of the websites or can get it after searching it on web. But I tried my bit to bring them in a single and rememberable place,that it my blog article. It took a long time,search and specialised knowledge from teachers and professionals of this field to present a list of these websites. I am thankful to them for their support.

knowledgeable website for commerce students in india to remain up-to-date

Note- Click on the RED colored word or sentence to open the website linked within.
  1. The Institute of Company Secretary of India-ICSI:-

    This is the home site of "The Institute of Company Secretaries of India". It is much of a help for checking the latest news and happenings in the field of Company Secretary,the process to Enroll,Criteria,Fees and dues payment,Exam schedule,Results, e-Learning,Acts,Rules and New Amendments in this field.Even you can get important phone numbers of ICSI officials,Chapters and ROC's.
  2. The ICSI Portal :- The ICSI Portal is also a dedicated website from ICSI to its students and members. You can make use of this site by Signning up or logging in with your Student Registration Number or Membership No. In this way,you can get the current status of your admit card,registration status,exam schedule,E-Marksheet, Online Renewal,Restoration and Cancellation of Membership, Updating Personal Information, Online Request for Duplicate iCard,Admit Card,Marksheets and Pass Certificates ,Viewing and Printing Registration,Denovo,Exemption, etc.
  3. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India – ICAI :- Previously known as The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India aka ICWAI. The home page of this institute deals almost same like its competetior and peers. It also helps in Career options in this field,along with informations about the Criteria,Process and Fees. It also updates you Acts,Rules and New Amendments in this field. A helpful and well constructed website to fulfill your needs.
  4. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India- ICAI:- A complete site for Begginers,Members,Employers seeking employee.etc This website provides help to Members and Students like the above mentioned sites do as well as e-Learning,Tenders and Notices. Explaining a websites full features in just few words will not be fair,but one thing is for sure,it is really an important and helpful website for Students and Professionals from the Peer fields.
  5. National Stock Exchange-NSE INDIA:-

    Well,we all know about this website.A commerce student can not miss this site as it deals with listed companies as a secondary market for share trading under the roof named National Stock Exchange-NSE. From Equity Share Trading to Foreign Exchange,Derivatives,F&O,Calls and Put,Futures and Options,Investor guide,NSE Paathsala,etc. A complete set of knowledge portal for trading.
  6. Bombay Stock Exchange- BSE India :-

    Bombay Stock Exchange,as we all know it by this name. It is also an important part of our economy. It is a different trading bench than NSE India,but here I will not compare both of them. Instead, I would like to mark that it is also a helpful site for professional life or student life. Much to learn from here,you just have to exploit things to learn.
  7. Securities and Exchange Board of India:-

    So,If you are Trading in share markets or having a close look on it,then,you must have some knowledge about Securities and Exchange Board of India. And to become a professional in this field you must keep yourself updated with this website. Atleast for amendments and news related to SEBI Act.
  8. Reserve Bank of India-RBI :-

    We all know Reserve Bank of India,it is the Central Bank of India. We Commerce students and Professionals must check RBI's website regularly to keep ourself updated on New RBI Rules,Amendments,Norms,Policies and latest happenings in World Currency.
  9. Ministry of Law and Justice- India :-

    The website of Ministry of Law and Justice in India to keep you updated with latest amendments in law or to assist you while you need any help.
  10. Ministry of Corporate Affairs-India :-

    Previously known as Ministry of Company Affairs,is a well dedicated site and Ministry of Indian Government to look upon the Corporate affairs in India. From MCA21 to New Rules and Amendments updated time to time without any backlog. Great to check the latest updates on Corporate world and lots of other things too.
  11. Central Board of Excise and Customs :- Specialization is needed,So if you want to specialize in Indirect Taxes as an option for your professional life,do have a regular look at the updates and news from the website of Central Board of Excise and Customs.
  12. Company Law Board :- ICSI students should always be updated on the new amendments and laws related to Company Law Board. Not only they,but also any Commerce Professional who needs to keep himself updated for Company Law,regularly check this website.
  13. Income Tax Department-India :- Okay,we can not deny this website. We do it regularly and thus need to abide by the latest Norms and Happenings in the world of Income Tax. And for this,we have the webiste of Income Tax Department with us to keep ourself updated.
  14. Taxguru :- Well,there are lots of options of alternatives or shortcuts, but one should not rely on only one. Here's's website for keeping ourself updated on matters of Taxation or get a help when we need.
  15. Taxmann-India :- Last,but not the least. Taxmann's website is a very important and helpful website for Commerce Professionals. One should not forget about the Brand name of Taxmann. Become a member here,keep yourself updated with the latest happening on the road without much efforts. 
                                  Dear Friends,These are some important and useful websites to keep yourself updated and aware of latest happenings in the field of Commerce in India and abroad. Just stick to these sites whenever you get time and explore different informations from them. Share this blog post to your friends on social media - Knowledge increseases by sharing.

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