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Funny Indian Twitter Handle Users : Part-3

Bringing out the 3rd part of the Funny Indian Twitter Handle User series. If you have missed my earlier two blog posts, don't worry. Here is the link for
The motive behind presenting this kind of blog post  and the idea behind it,was to say that "Life has ups and down, but keep smile on your face,always"
                 Now,since you have already followed some cool Indian Twitter users with the help of their wittiness on Twitter. Again I am presenting the last part of this series- Funny Indian Twitter Handle Users.

Note:- To visit any of the Twitter Handle, just click on it and you will be redirected to Twitter without leaving the Blog. Or you can follow them all by following this Twitter List,which I have created for you all Twitterati..
Image Courtesy-Internet

Funny Twitter Usernames                      Name
  1. @KalMuah                                         #Hash
  2. @RoyallyFaltu                                  Miss B
  3. @ModernOutdated                         OM Raghuvanshi
  4. @InbuiltSinner                                Cult of Personality
  5. @TheFookFace                                Dhaenchu Dhillon
  6. @SexyBichoo                                   Sexy Bichoo
  7. @SunSandRain                               Aparna Gautam
  8. @DeclaredPagal                              Mr DP
  9. @zoomphatak                                  Arjun Shah
  10. @chhavimethi                                  Guru Maata
  11. @UrbanChick_                                 Payal Borana
  12. @Miss_Imp0ssible                           N
  13. @Sinful_Reveries                            Miss Sin
  14. @MaddoMomo                                 Fizz
  15. @Aiwekuchbhi                                  Sarina
  16. @triptoes                                           Tripti Goel
  17. @Pri_Indepndnt                              Sahiba
  18. @nikkupikku                                    Heer
  19. @blackrosegal                                  Black Rose Gal
  20. @MischievousMonk                       Mischieveous Monk
  21. @RantingIndian                              Varun Gawarikar
  22. @ChotuMissMuffet                         Ankitakanabar
  23. @teachmetech                                 Teach Me Tech
  24. @_DesiGirl                                       Aanchal
  25. @BollywoodGandu                         Bollywood Gandu
  26. @CricketGandu                               Cricket Gandu
  27. @Bedardi_Raja                               You Know Who
  28. @bitchwanti                                     Chubby Singh
              The series ends in here. I know still many Funny Twitter Handles are left to be mentioned. And as the day will paas,more and more Funny Twitter Handles will emerge in the market. For,them,I would like to say that, feel free to mention your Twitter name in the comments section if I have missed your name in the three blog posts of this series.
                    Remember....Twitter is a funny place, just take it funnily and lightly.

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